Voicemod introduces new EDM soundboard set that makes anyone feel like a DJ!

No sound mixer needed! New soundboard effect sets added to Windows PC voice changer app "Voicemod".
No sound mixer needed! New soundboard effect sets added to Windows PC voice changer app "Voicemod".
PlayBrain announce the addition of a new sound effect set to the popular international voice changer/soundboard application, Voicemod.
The newly added sound effect set "EDM" includes 19 types of sound effects: beat tracks that can be looped, DJ effects such as "Air Horn," "Scratch," and "Bass Drop," and mix commands such as "Rewind," "Stop," and "Blast. A total of 19 sound effects are available. This soundboard sound effect set allows anyone to easily enjoy the feeling of DJing in online PC games, live streaming, and voice call applications, and is available in the free version of Voicemod (Windows PC only).
Download Voicemod Now!
Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit) https://www.voicemod.net/ja/
About Voicemod
Voicemod is the world’s leading voice manipulation tool and meme soundboard provider. With more than 17 million downloads on desktop PCs alone, it is a tool that helps gamers and content creators of all skill levels find the voice that best expresses themselves as they play and stream their favorite games. Offering the best and most accessible tools on the market with its versatile PC platform and Soundboard, Voicemod is committed to letting you sound like you – even as you are discovering who that might be.
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